React Limited offers 3 levels of alignment engineering service:

LEVEL I...On Site Laser Data Collection

Turbine Field Engineers using REACT in-house manufactured laser equipment, collect laser alignment readings providing accurate repeatable component positions to customer representatives to accommodate customers schedule and needs.

LEVEL 2... Alignment Consultation

REACT Limited coordinates the alignment data collection during the disassembly of the turbine and arrives at site to install the REACT Laser System in the unit for the initial laser line. REACT will analyze disassembly conditions and recommend alignment program alternatives. REACT will return to site at reassembly to coordinate the positioning of the internal components based on as measured deviations and required bearing alignment relationships. REACT collects laser alignment data and analyzes readings using the DlA-LINE Computer Program. REACT issues a final alignment report detailing the alignment process.

LEVEL 3...Alignment Program Management

REACT Limited works with the customer prior to the outage in order to incorporate the alignment related functions into the outage schedule. Disassembly Data Collection Sheets are then prepared. After disassembly of the turbine and shooting of the initial Laser Lines, REACT prepares an initial alignment report, which details the as found unit condition as well as the balance of the alignment program. REACT returns at reassembly to collect required alignment data with the REACT Laser System. Using DIA-LlNE Computer Analysis and program management, final alignment report, including all details of the alignment program, is issued within two weeks of leaving the job.


REACT Limited provides steam path audits and efficiency analysis of large steam turbines.


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